Have you visited Prague’s Náplavka?

If you are in Prague and don’t know where to go on a date, have a beer or just enjoy a concert… Náplavka is the place to be! Come in here at any time of the day and sit quietly with friends or just go for a walk with your children. Náplavka consists of Rašinovo nábřeží, Hořejší nábřeží and the surrounding area and offers many opportunities how to spend your free time not only during the summer season.

History of Náplavka

The surroundings of the Vltava river have changed beyond recognition over the centuries. On one hand, the river represented a traffic artery and a constant source of drinking water, but at the same time it was also a waste drain and an ever-present danger in the form of devastating floods. Its coast was the periphery of Prague, where manufactures were mainly concentrated. Wood – both for fuel and for construction purposes – was transported around craft buildings, noisy mills, warehouses and slums. Other commodities, such as salt, were sent from Prague down the Vltava river.


The gradual expansion of navigable sections of the Vltava continued in the 13th century with the construction of weirs and sluices, and peaked in the first half of the 19th century, when steamboats began to appear more often on the river and long-distance shipping expanded. In the second half of the 19th century, the increase in traffic had the greatest impact on the image of today’s Náplavka. The construction of the current form of Rašín embankment began and the Smíchov Brewery grew on the other side of the river. After the turn of the century, the construction of the Vyšehrad Tunnel and the first part of the Upper Embankment followed.

How does Náplavka look today? Boats, events and markets!

At first sight, Náplavka attracts visitors by the moored boats. However, on their decks you will not only find different types of beers, cocktails and snacks, but also exhibitions, concerts and flea markets. Here you can rent a kayak or a paddleboard, play beach volleyball on board of one of the boats… Or do you feel like going to a theater? No problem on Náplavka! You definitely won’t be able to exhaust all the options in one afternoon. If you don’t want to just wander around and aim for a specific event, we recommend visiting the website of the Prague Náplavka. You’ll find here a list of events in categories that will definitely please everybody’s taste. Events for children are also regularly organized on Náplavka, so you can have fun here with the whole family.


And the best view? From the cruise ship dinner

The best view of Prague’s shores is undoubtedly from the deck of a cruise ship. There is plenty to choose from here too. Do you want to go on an evening cruise through Prague with friends and enjoy a cup of coffee? Or are you planning an unforgettable date and choose a romantic dinner for two? Musical accompaniment is standard and there is usually a wide range of food and drinks. But what will amaze you above all is the atmosphere of the illuminated metropolis in the evening.

The view from the surface of the Vltava river to Prague landmarks accompanied by live music and delicious food is one of the experiences you will want to repeat regularly. Cruise ships also operate in the winter months, so you can enjoy it all year round. And honestly, it’s one of the attractions that is really not just an overpriced entertainment for tourists.


